"Click To Pray" timi mobile app cu Vatican ihsin version tthan a si zo. October 20, 2021


"Click To Pray" timi mobile app cu Vatican ihsin version tthan a si zo.

October 20, 2021

              Pope Francis ih thlacamnak pawl cu leilungpi a kaikhawmtu pawlkom in Vatican mobile application cu version 2.0 ah an tthan ih tlawngkai nihnih ah an phuan thok. 2016 ih rak thok mi himi mobile thlacam daan cu a tu cun version thar thawn thlacam theih a si tlang ding. A tu saan ah minung pawlkom pi ih tuar mi sawmnak pawl thawn pawlpi ih Kohhran hnatuannak hrangah khuitawk hmun ihsin khal siseh thlacam thei dingah tuah mi Mobile app khal a si thu, himi Mobile app cu Android le IPhone phun hnih ah download a ngah. Tuah rero mi Catholic Bishop pawl ih thurelkhawmnak program pawl le Pope Francis ih nitin thlacamnak pawl Kohhran hnatuan pawl a bawm tu ding app khal asi thu, "Click To Pray" Mobile app cu Pathian le mi pakhat le pakhat karlak pehtlaih in thlacam theinak le Digital daan thawn leitlun killi ih Catholic innsang pawl hmunkhat ten thlacam thei dingah tumtah a si. "Click to Pray" app cu tong phun 7 thawn hman a theih ih a tu ah cun leitlun continent 5 ihsin download in a hmang tu 2.5 tan an um zo. Himi thuthang cu Vatican thuthang ihsin kan don mi a si.


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